
[AHA2012]HFPEF的诊断与治疗——布莱根妇女医院Eldrin Lewis教授专访

作者:  E.Lewis   日期:2012/11/8 14:09:24




  International Circulation: What are your expectations for the TOPCAT trial?
Dr. Eldrin Lewis: As I am on the executive committee, I will not comment on that. However, we believe that aldosterone receptor antagonists have been successful in three out of three trials. Given the pathophysiology of HFpEF, we are optimistic that this is the right drug, the right trial, and the right population. However, we will not know until next year.
Eldrin Lewis教授:我是执行委员会的一员,因此我将不会对此发表评论。然而,我们相信,醛固酮受体拮抗剂在三个临床试验中已经发挥疗效,三次试验都获得了成功。根据HfpEF的病理生理学特点,我们乐观地认为,醛固酮受体拮抗剂是正确的药物,而我们进行了正确的试验,同时也选定了正确的患者人群。然而,要到明年,我们才能知道确切的结果。
International Circulation: Which three trials were these?
Dr. Eldrin Lewis: All low EF trials: RALES, EPHESUS, and EPHESUS HF. Basically, chronic heart failure, post-MI heart failure, and in milder forms of heart failure, aldosterone receptor antagonism has been successful.
Eldrin Lewis教授:所有试验都是进行的低EF患者试验: RALES, EPHESUS和EPHESUS HF。基本上,醛固酮受体拮抗已经成功的用于治疗慢性心力衰竭、心肌梗死后心力衰竭和症状较轻的心力衰竭病人。
 International Circulation: Do the secondary endpoints, such as collagen lowering, give you any hope?
Dr. Eldrin Lewis: That gives us hope as well, because we think that much of the pathophysiology occurs due to the fibrosis that leads to diastolic dysfunction, stiffness and ventricular vascular dis-coupling.
Eldrin Lewis教授:这也的确给了我们希望,因为我们认为大部分是因为纤维化而发生的病理生理学反应,从而导致舒张功能不全、硬化和心室血管偶合分离。

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版面编辑:赵书芳  责任编辑:张乐


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