

作者:国际循环网   日期:2011/5/27 16:46:12



    Q: What is the intention of Bayer Schering Pharma to make a major investment in Glucobay with ACE?

    Q: 拜耳先灵医药大力投资ACE研究的目的是什么?

    A: Glucobay  is a well established effective oral treatment with an excellent safety profile conveniently taken at mealtimes. In the markets where it is approved, it is a major and recognized treatment for improving prediabetes, diabetes and related cardiovascular risk management.
    Bayer Schering Pharma considers it as its duty to contribute to the worldwide fight against the diabetes epidemic and is dedicated to advancing research and generating clinically-meaningful results. This has been demonstrated with the landmark trial STOP-NIDDM and now, ACE, which again demonstrates a major investment in diabetes and a next logical step to expanding evidence for Glucobay?? in patients with established CVD and elevated blood glucose levels, to help decrease the global burden imposed by the diabetes epidemic: We take Diabetes to Heart!

    A: 拜唐苹这一口服降糖药物的良好安全性已经得到广泛验证,而且其餐时服用的给药方式非常方便。在获得批准的国家,拜唐苹是值得信赖的能够改善糖尿病前期、糖尿病及其相关心血管风险的主要治疗药物。

版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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