
[WHC2009]Peter Nilsson教授谈心血管疾病三大危险因素

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/11/5 9:31:00


International Circulation: Increased blood pressure, lipids and glucose are the three common risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. What are the differences between them? 《国际循环》:血压、血脂、血糖升高是心血管疾病最重要的三大危险因素,他们危害有何不同?

International Circulation: High blood pressure is a leading risk factor for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality so the proper management of hypertension is very important to improve the prognosis. How do you think we can diminish the gap between the guidelines and clinical practice?

Prof Nilsson: I think it is so important to find simple, useful and practical ways - to increase knowledge and teaching, to use group sessions. Traditionally, at least in Western medicine, we used to see patients one by one, but in other cultures they are more used to seeing whole families or groups of patients. I think we should learn from that - to open up the door and have group sessions and increase the ambition to do more. Secondly, I think that the poly-pill issue is worthy of further investigations. So far there has been one publication based on a feasibility study in India (Lancet 2009) using the poly-pill just to find the appropriate dosage of the pharmacological substance. However, right now there is an ongoing larger trial in New Zealand which I think we should learn from that whether it’s feasible, whether it’s practical, whether it pays off. I think that one day we could possibly be using some kind of poly-pill, not for everybody, but for some risk patients, and I hope that we will see the day when we are less interested in risk factors and risk markers and go for target organ damage to find simple ways to evaluate the impact of risk factors. I am talking about arterial stiffness. I am talking about left ventricular hypertroph

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