
[GWICC2009]Mark Turco教授接受采访

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/10/20 13:51:00


International Circulation:New clinical trials and registry studies have showed that the benefit of drug-eluting stents in terms of restenosis is not achieved at the expense of a compromised safety. What’s your opinion on the issue? Do you think the controversy over the safety of DES compared to BMS could be settled by current data?《国际循环》:新的临床试验和注册研究结果已经显示,因为安全性的问题,药物洗脱支架(DES)没有取得对再狭窄的益处。请问您对这一问题的看法如何?您认为当前的研究数据能够解决DES相对于裸金属支架(BMS)的安全性争论吗?

International Circulation:  Talking about PCI in treating multi-vessel coronary disease, what is the optimal approach to achieve benefits as big as possible in your opinion?

Mark Turco:  
You need to individualize your approach to treating multi-vessel disease.  Not all multi-vessel disease is the same.  Clinicians need to look at the angiogram and derive a SYNTAX score out of the angiogram and then decide what therapies are going to be in the patients’ best interests.  If I have three lesions in three different vessels t

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GWICC2009Mark Turco

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