
[GWICC2009]Jack Lewin谈NCDR

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/10/14 10:48:00


International Circulation: I’m here with Professor Jack Lewin. I’d like to thank you for joining us today, professor. It is a great honor having you here. At first I’d like to ask you the NCDR provides the most comprehensive cardiovascular data registry, representing a very large patient population and millions of records in the US. And this makes significant impact on clinical practice. So could you comment on the recent research projects of NCDR that you think are the most influential perhaps or most important something that we should know about?

International Circulation: Sure in some hospitals, it wasn’t a matter of negligence it was just that they were not aware? You were able to make them aware?
Jack Lewin:Exactly.
International Circulation:  They just didn’t know? So that is amazing, right?
Jack Lewin: It is really powerful when you gave people data about their performance, they change their performance. You know, we all think we are doing a great job, but until you know.
International Circulation: Sure.
Jack Lewin:Now we are moving the NCDR into the outpatient domain. So the community, the clinics and the doctors’ office will also be part of this measurement. And we can track the patients when they leave the hospital throughout their next years of life. That is important because we want to be able to do is to develop national surveillance system that tracts the improvement in cardiovascular diseases and looks for problems that need to be addressed. The interesting thing is this is being done by the American College of Cardiology profession of medicine not by government. And so we would suggest this kind of partnership would be nice to have in other countries.

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