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[ESC2012]普拉格雷在很多情况下优于氯吡格雷——Franz-Josef Neumann教授专访

作者:F.J.Neumann 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2012/9/20 18:05:11    加入收藏
 关键字:TRILOGY研究 普拉格雷 氯吡格雷 


  <International Circulation>:In the TRITON trial, the bleeding risk was found to be higher with prasugrel when compared with clopidogrel, but this trial showed similar safety endpoints. What do you think are the reasons behind this?
Dr. Neumann: Well, if you do not have any difference in efficacy, it is no wonder that there is no difference in safety. Mind you, if you combine the major and minor bleeding events there is this difference that we would expect with a stronger anti platelet drug.
<International Circulation>:Is it possible that, due to the lower dose of prasugrel, it may be a safer option?
Dr. Neumann: But that also maybe a reason for a lack of efficacy. We always have to first look at efficacy. Without it, we do not need to worry about safety. The results for the primary analysis focusing on patients under 75 are very consistent. As far as I can tell, there is not much difference between the primary analysis group and the whole cohort. I do not think the dose reduction in the elderly made a major impact on the study, particularly as the primary analysis focuses on younger patients.

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