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[ESC2011]BNP水平与心力衰竭预后关系——Daniel R. Wagner博士专访

作者:Wagner 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/9/2 10:53:11    加入收藏
 关键字:脑利钠肽 BNP  心力衰竭 Wagner 

    <International Circulation>:Are there any new parameters that have the potential to be useful in establishing a more effective risk score system for predicting survival in chronic heart failure?


    Dr. Wagner: I think today really the old risk factors came back like age, ejection fraction heart rate, blood pressure, BMI is very important, and all the new bio markers need to be validated in further studies. 

    Dr. Wagner:我认为,如今,那些老的危险因素如年龄、射血分数、心率、血压等实际上又回来了,BMI是非常重要的,且所有新的生物标志物都需要在进一步研究中验证。

    <International Circulation>: And what do you foresee as the future improvement of the prognosis of heart failure? 


    Dr. Wagner: It’s network analysis, using systems biology.

    Dr. Wagner:就是利用系统生物学的网络分析。

    <International Circulation>: Do you have any final comments?


    Dr. Wagner: I think it’s very good for Chinese cardiologists to be interested in what Europeans do. I think they should join the conference and present their data as it would be very important to get some Chinese data.

    Dr. Wagner:我认为对中国心脏病医生而言对欧洲所做的事情感兴趣是非常好的。我认为他们应该参加这一会议并提交他们的数据,因为获得一些中国的数据将会是非常重要的。



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